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Summer school in Asia: INCiTE

Summer school in Asia: INCiTE

Last modified on 02-04-2024 14:36
The transformative INCiTE summer school in Asia brings together students from top universities to find solutions to global challenges while also developing entrepreneurial skills.Subscribe to our newsletter about short international programmes
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INCiTE logo 4:3

The applications for INCiTE 2024 are now closed.

In brief

Fact sheet INCITE 2024 (pdf)

Handbook INCiTE 2023 (pdf)

For whom?

Although this programme prioritises students who are challenged in their ability to travel or study abroad, such as students with specialized learning needs, disabilities, care responsibilities, financial need, first-generation students, and more, all students are encouraged to apply.


The INCiTE summer school is a programme by the international university partnership between the University of Amsterdam, the University of EdinburghExternal link, the University of SydneyExternal link, Nanyang Technological University SingaporeExternal link, the Jiangsu Education Services for International ExchangeExternal link, and the National University of Management Phnom PenhExternal link.


Students follow three types of classes: Intercultural Intelligence, Design & Systems Thinking, and Entrepreneurship (intro level). During the programme, you will turn theory into practice right away: as part of a multicultural team, you will use team-time to work on an innovative solution to a local societal challenge of your choice. The programme concludes when you and your team present your project at the Project Fair.


The INCiTE summer school 2024 takes place from 11 to 27 July 2024.


The INCiTE summer school 2024 will be hosted at Duy Tan UniversityExternal link (DTU), Danang, Vietnam. INCiTE is hosted at a different Asian country each year. Past iterations of INCiTE have taken place in Suzhou, China, Singapore, and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Get informed

  • Subscribe to our monthly newsletterExternal link to stay updated on important deadlines and dates for our international (summer) programmes.
  • Attend our (online) information session + Q&A for more information about this programme. A registration link for the next session is going to appear here in due time.
  • Register for workshops hosted by the Office of International Student Affairs to get helpful tips to overcome the challenges in applying, and how to prepare.
Summer School INCiTE - NUM, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
National University of Management in Phnom Penh, Cambodia during INCiTE 2023.


The INCiTE summer school is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a multitude of new cultures in a short period of time.

In addition, you get to develop essential competences for today's job market. Make yourself future-proof by acquiring skills such as: problem-solving, collaboration beyond borders, international entrepreneurship, social innovation, systems and design thinking.

Finally, by building an international network and by being taught by world-class academics, you can add some much sought-after entrepreneurial and intercultural skills to your CV. Although you won't receive any ECTS for this summer school, the programme is designed to give you a profound international experience of equal value as a semester exchange.

Conditions for all applicants

All applicants must meet the following two conditions:

  • You are enrolled as a full-time fee paying student at the University of Amsterdam throughout the programme.
  • You have not been on exchange or you have not been placed for an exchange in the future.

Conditions for requesting priority

If you cannot provide any of the below specified documentation in order to receive priority, you are encouraged to still apply. In addition to the two requirements above, there are grounds on which you may receive priority over other applicants in the selection procedure:

1. Due to economic reasons.

    • You are receiving the “aanvullende beurs” or supplementary grant from DUOExternal link. Please submit an official document from DUO that states you receive a supplementary grant of more than €0,00 (in Dutch: “beschikking aanvullende beurs"). A screenshot from “Mijn DUO” is not valid.

2. Due to a physical or mental condition that hinders your studies or your ability for studying abroad.

3. By self-declaration.

    • If you are not able to provide a DUO statement or a medical statement, but you believe you are eligible to receive priority, you may fill in and send this form (pdf). Please do note that you do need to provide an explanation as to why you are unable to provide the necessary documents and an explanation as to why you should receive priority. You need to have the document signed by a student counselor or study advisor.

Priority categories

  • Priority 1: submit both a valid DUO statement AND a medical statement.
  • Priority 2: submit either a valid DUO statement OR a medical statement OR a valid self-declaration.
  • Other students can apply without priority.


Selected students receive 1800 euros for the programme costs and accommodation. Roughly half will be left to finance travel. There are 25 spots available.

How to apply

The applications for the INCiTE summer school were open from Monday, 26 February to Monday, 25 March 23:59 CET. The applications for INCiTE 2024 are now closed.

Apply through the following steps:

  1. If applicable, first acquire your medical statement and/or DUO letter or statement of self-declaration. In case you do not possess these letters, you may start with step 2 below.
  2. Send an email to global@uva.nlExternal link with title: INCiTE application + [your name]. Attach your medical statement and/or DUO letter. In case you would like to continue your application without priority, please specify. Once we have received your email and have assigned you a priority category, you will receive the link to the application form in return.
  3. Complete the form. In the application form, you will be asked for a recommendation letter from one of your peers (to copy paste into the form), and a short motivation. You will also be asked to rank three global challengesExternal link. Do not wait until the last minute to prepare your application! This is the final step of your application.

After your application you will be notified when you can expect the results as well as be informed about potential next steps.

After application


25 students are selected through a lottery system. The selection will take place through the following steps:

  1. We check your application and decide whether you meet the conditions for INCiTE.
  2. We decide your priority category (first, second, leftover).
  3. We will start with a lottery among priority category 1.
  4. In case not all 25 spots have been filled, we will do a lottery among priority category 2, followed by a lottery among the applicants without priority, if applicable.

Excluded from selection

You are excluded from selection if one or more of the following applies to you:

  • You submitted an incomplete application.
  • You have experience with exchange or you are going on exchange.
  • You are not a full-time fee paying UvA student throughout the INCiTE programme.


This programme is coordinated by the Office of International Student Affairs, the central international office of the UvA. Please email global@uva.nlExternal link if you have any questions.