What is your study programme?
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What is your study programme?

Tuition fee payment: your employer is paying

Last modified on 10-10-2023 16:36
Your employer can pay your tuition in one of two ways: directly by means of a bank transfer, or by means of an invoice.
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What is your study programme?

Employers can choose which payment method they prefer.

Important information

  • You are personally responsible for ensuring that the amount is paid on time. 
  • You should ensure in any event that the UvA receives your payment no later than the day before your programme starts.

The UvA is my employer

Are you employed by the UvA and will you be attending a degree programme at the UvA that is paid for by the UvA? In that case, the payment procedure for the tuition fees is as follows:

  • Go to Studielink and select ‘Other method of payment’.
  • Request an invoice for the tuition fees via the Digital Student Service DeskExternal link;
  • Request an advance payment on the tuition fees via the Self-Service ToolExternal link. Go to ‘My notifications and requests’ > ‘Request an advance’;
  • Under ‘Description’, enter ‘Advance for study costs and courses’ and indicate the cost centre for your department. If you do not know which cost centre you need, ask your supervisor;
  • The advance will be transferred to your account within 10 working days;
  • You should then – before 1 September – transfer the advance payment you received to NL26DEUT0436855232, Universiteit van Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) in Amsterdam, and include your surname and student ID number in the payment description (for example: Jansen 12345678). Without this information, the UvA will be unable to process your payment;
  • Settling the advance against your eventual expense claim in the Self-Service ToolExternal link. Go to ‘My notifications and requests’ > ‘Settle advance’. Upload the invoice and a proof of payment.


Central Student Service Desk (CSSD)

Do you have general questions about studying at the UvA, for instance, about your enrolment or tuition fee? Contact the CSSD.

Map with old and new location CSSD walk-in desk, September 2024

Contact details

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