Profiling Fund
Profiling Fund
Exceptional circumstances
Exceptional personal circumstances are, for example:
- illness
- a disability
- special family circumstances
- pregnancy
- top-class sports or top-class cultural activities
- an insufficiently feasible degree programme
Administrative Body Membership Grant
As a board member of a student association or student organisation, or as a student council member, you could incur a study completion delay. You may therefore be eligible for financial support from the Profiling Fund. Find out more here: Administrative body membership grant.
- Applications for financial assistance from the Profiling Fund must be made through a student counsellor.
- Prior to your appointment with the student counsellor, discuss with your study adviser possible ways of catching up on, or compensating for, your study completion delay.
- If you've already received the reminder email about your study delay, meeting with your study adviser is no longer necessary.
With the student counsellor you'll discuss whether there is a sufficiently demonstrable connection between your study delay and your circumstances. The Profiling Fund's criteria and provisions offered by DUO can be included in this discussion.
To view the Profiling Fund's rules and regulations in full, download the Profiling Fund from the UvA website. For an up-to-date list of recognised student organisations, see the page Administrative Body Membership Grant for student organisation board members.
You can contact the student counsellors for a confidential conversation about your personal situation and your study progress. Please check our conditions for guidance here.